About Us
Mission Basecamp educates students on life skills and supports them to pursue optimal future decisions. From a Christ-centered lens, Basecamp can create change at an individual level in order to revolutionize the broader community.
By inspiring the youth of Long Island to better future opportunities through post-secondary education, we create future leaders of the community.
Mission Basecamp is focused on providing Christ-centered education and life skills. Our program employs high-quality teachers from various professions and utilizes small class sizes to allowing for greater one-on-one learning opportunities. Teachers also act as personal mentors for students in places with a critical need for positive leadership and strong social support systems.
Students learn practical skills such as coding, public speaking, and how to structure oneself to accomplish goals. These important life skills are integral for future education and employment — students gain a head start in the world’s presently booming industries.
Mission Basecamp’s staff are committed to the ideals of Luke 2:52, which emphasize a young person's spiritual maturity. Our mentors are intentional in creating lifelong disciples of Christ and approach education through kindness and discipline.